Sunday, February 26, 2012

Monday, 27 February Group WOD

Sorry, this one is not super creative by me, but I am excited about this WOD which came from the main site this past weekend.  It is going to be awesome!  
(If by awesome you know I mean horrible!)


Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
11 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
2 Deadlifts  (315/220) pounds
10 Handstand push-ups

DO not freak out about the weight.  The load is high and it is supposed to be like 90 percent of your max.  I can tell you right now That 220 is 25 pounds above my max so I will probably be shooting around 175 to 180.

Can't wait to see you in the morning!


  1. great wod today ladies!!! :)

    I had 7 full rounds, plus the pull-ups
    145lbs for deadlift!!

    Have a great Monday!

  2. Great job everyone and way to be brave with the barbell!! I did this at 1030 and it was hard!! 9 rounds plus 11 pullups. 5 of the rounds at 175 and the last 4 at 165. I was not keeping good form when I was tired! So proud of you all!

  3. Agreed, great job pushing yourself to go heavy on the deadlifts.
    I did this after I got home with 165lb deadlift and handstand pushups with a 45lb plate under my head and pull ups. I got 9 rounds flat. I felt my form faultering towards the end so I'm not sure if I picked the right weight or it was just getting hard!

    Have a great day,
