Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wednesday, 15 February Group WOD

Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5

followed by

AMRAP 12 minutes

Partner 1: 10 pushups, 10 situps 
Parter 2: double unders for reps (or 4x single unders)

Switch when Partner 1 finishes their pushups and situps. The teams of 2 compete for total number of double or single unders. 


  1. Are we doing the same weight each round for the Front Squats or are we trying to find our max?

  2. You begin at a weight you can do, and incrementally increase on each set. Your rounds might end up looking something like this. 45-55-65-75-85
    Hopefully by the 5th set you will be at a point where you are not sure if you can complete all 5 reps...but you will try and you will do it!

  3. Home-made cocoa-nut larabars for the pair with the highest double under/single under score at the end of the 12 minutes!

    Love this photo. I read an article in the CF Journal last year about a woman who knew that she was passed her old self-destructive behaviors/habits when she could look at this photo and look past her rock solid abs and focus on her perfect form front squat with a loaded bar equivalent to at least her body weight! Focus hard tomorrow, keep your chest up, elbows high and don't fear the weighted bar! It will get you the fittest you've been in your life!

    Good night,

  4. Great WOD this morning!!! :)
    I partnered up with Wendy :) and we did 45-55-65-70-75. We ended up with 990 jumps as well :)
    Thanks again for encouraging and spuring us all on! Thanks for the yummy treats Heather!
    Love, Amanda

  5. Good Job Ladies, excellent strength work! We had some people max out their front squats this morning! I just finished the FS portion of the WOD. 95-105-115-125-1@135(then failed standing up on rep 2) so I bumped back down to 125 for the last 5 reps. I really wanted to get that 135!! Next time.

    Thanks for posting your loads! See you Friday!

  6. Great day! Strength is often neglected yet so important! Re-check out my mobility post (http://theprimepursuit.com/2012/02/09/recover-yourself/) on the blog to stretch out your hips and quads with the "couch stretch."

    Many of you were having trouble with wrist mobility today, which is normal so do not get discouraged. For many of you this is the first time in your life doing anything with a barbell so the flexibility and mobility will come with time. I would encourage you all to check out the following links, watch the videos(which are additionally entertaining because of the mobility guy, but perhaps I just have a thing for tattoos!) and put these into practice regularly until you see improvement. Don't neglect the thoracic and shoulder stretches...they will all help your front rack position and consequently your wrist mobility.


    Happy Wednesday,
