Monday, July 9, 2012

Two Quick WODs

I hate to post two WODs on the same post, but I have gotten a little behind.  Here is what I have done the last few days:

25 Handstand Push ups
50 Situps
100 Double Unders
400m run
100 squats
50 KBS (1.5/1 pood)
25 Dips

Then for strength, the next day:

3-3-3-3-3 Backsquat

followed by AMRAP 7
10 Back Squat (95/65)
10 OH Walking Lunges (45/25)


  1. 18:05 . . . I either killed a fly or squished a newly dead one bc I came up from handstand push-ups with a fly and guts all over my hand - yuck!

  2. Great Job, Marci!! Can't believe I havent seen yall all summer! Hope to see you soon!

  3. Thanks! I miss working out with y'all! I just did the second one.
    I didn't like my depth on 165 so I went down the last set. For for AMRAP, 7 rounds plus 10 squats.
    I'm not going to be able to walk tomorrow!

  4. I was toasted after backsquats, so the AMRAP 7 was only 4.5 rounds. But I PRd so I was pretty siked!

  5. That was my first time going heavy for squats, what's your PR for them so I can have something to work towards? :)

  6. i did 135-155-165-170-175. I wanted to try for 180 but i didnt have a spotter. i dont like dumping weight...i had a ball behind me and i was afraid of getting hurt/falling all over the place, ha! you did great!

  7. I hesitate posting, since my max was where Marci started!!! haha! but, it was my PR so, I'm still happy!!

    I did the first one the other day, subbed the HSPU with my knees up and then I only had 2 10lb dumbells, which I held together for the KBS, but, since it was under the weight, I opted to do 100 kbs and finished around 20:30

    THen for the Backsquats
    Finished 4 rounds at RX for the AMRAP

    Happy Weekend!

  8. For the dips, did you do ring dips or did you just use a box/bench or something?
