Sunday, July 1, 2012

New month, new resolve!

It's July...I am excited to work a lot harder on my strength this month, and focus a little less on the "sexy met-cons."  I have not been spending much time in the last month going heavy, because its HARD, and because I tend to prefer the feel of longer/lighter WODs...but the truth is, that building your strength through weightlifing proffers improvements across all 10 fitness domains, ultimately making the met con WODs more successful!!  

With that said, I still did a met con today, HA.  I guess the idea was to hit all the movements I intend to improve upon individually.  Here is what I came up with.  


3 rounds (45/65):
10 Shoulder Press 
10 Overhead Squat


3 rounds (55/75):
10 Push Press
10 Snatch 


3 rounds (75/95):
10  Push Jerk
10 Front Squat

1 comment:

  1. i had a few interruptions this morning, but with the running clock my time was 20:48. I really wanted to finish sub 15.
