Each Athlete does 5 Complete Rounds. 1 Partner Runs 400m, While the other partner gets work done. As soon as Partner 1 returns from the run Partner 2 is out the door whether they completed the full round or not. The only thing that counts in this WOD are the REPS completed on Pullups.
You will use one bar for the entire workout, stripping weights for each movement. The rx'd men's 45# bar will loaded in the following order to start the workout: 15# plates, then add 25# plates, and then add 45# plates. The rx'd women's will be 35# bar loaded in the following order: 10# plates, then add 15# plates, and then add 45# plates.
(This is written for people who have the exact perfect equipment on hand...you will have to think about your combination of plates to make this happen for you and STILL BE A CHALLENGE!!)
Scale as required...Make sure you use proper form! Keep that midline stable, and press the knees out!
Shoot for this to be between a 10 - 20 minute WOD.